Cancel Account
Cancelling your subscription stops future recurring payments. Your account will remain active with all features available until the end of your current billing period (monthly or annual). After that, your configurations will be paused, and you won't be able to deliver new codes.
To Cancel:
- Log in to your Coupon Carrier account.
- Go to Account ( in the top-right corner).
Select Billing & Usage.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You should find a Start Cancellation button. Click this.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm your cancellation.
Important Notes about Cancellation:
- No Immediate Refunds (Generally): Coupon Carrier's monthly plans are billed in advance. Cancelling stops the next renewal, but generally does not provide a refund for the current month. Annual plans are heavily discounted because you commit to a full year. Partial refunds for unused time on annual plans are generally not offered, except in specific cases, such as soon after a renewal charge.
- Access Until End of Period: You will retain full access to your account and all features until the end of your current billing cycle.
- Configurations Paused: After your billing period ends, all your configurations will be paused. They will no longer deliver codes.
- Data Retention: Your data (code lists, configurations, etc.) will be retained for a period of time, even after cancellation. This allows you to easily reactivate your account later if you choose. See "Account Deletion" below if you want your data removed.