How to use the trigger filter on a Code Email

In some cases, you only want to send codes to recipients if they meet certain criteria, such as if a specific field is equal to something or if their email address doesn't contain a value.

For this, you can use a Trigger Filter where you can specify one or more rules that must be met for the configuration to continue. Otherwise, the request for the code is skipped.

In this example, we'll add a filter to only continue if the recipient's email address doesn't contain a plus sign (+), which means that they are using an email alias. With this filter, we'll prevent anyone from using this.

We'll do this by adding a new filter where "email" doesn't contain "+". The request will be skipped if it includes a "+".

Which properties you can use in a filter depends on which trigger and integration you use. If the configuration has had at least one previous successful request where a code has been assigned, you'll be able to see a list of available properties.

If you don't see a list of available properties when you click this field, you can activate the configuration, perform a test to trigger it, and then return. Here's an example of a configuration that uses new ActiveCampaign signups as a trigger:

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