Getting Started with Stripe and Coupon Carrier

Coupon Carrier has support for generating unique time-sensitive promotion codes automatically from your Stripe account. When a code is requested from the Code List, a randomly generated promotion code is created in your Stripe account based on the settings you've provided.

Here are the steps needed to start generating unique promotion codes:

  1. Create a new restricted API key in Stripe. This is used to give Coupon Carrier access to your Stripe account.
  2. Create a new code list in Coupon Carrier and connect it to your Stripe account.
  3. Create a Coupon in Stripe. Generated promotion codes are added to this Coupon, so we need to create it in Stripe first.

Create a restricted API key in Stripe

In your Stripe account, go to Developers > API Keys. Create a new restricted key and select write permission for the following sections:

  • Coupons - Write
  • Promotion Codes - Write
  • Webhook Endpoints - Write

Copy the newly generated API key and switch over to Coupon Carrier.

Create an autogenerated Code List for Stripe

Under the Code lists tab, create a new code list and choose Autogenerated code list. You’ll then pick Stripe as the integration, and in the connection window, you enter the API key that we created earlier.

Create a new Coupon in Stripe to be used in Coupon Carrier

Over in your Stripe account, go to Products > Coupons and create a new coupon. Give it a name and select the type of discount it should offer. Once created, copy the coupon Id located in the details section. Finally, back in Coupon Carrier, go to your code list and open the Code Generation Settings. This is where you specify which Stripe Coupon Id we should add promotion codes to, and if it should have a relative expiry date, etc. You can also use the Advanced settings to add additional settings if needed. Use the Test code generation button to test the integration.

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